Why Chiropractic and Acupuncture Procedure Work Better Together
You may have heard of health clinics or professional chiropractors in Jacksonville, FL that offer chiropractic and acupuncture therapy, but do you know why we do this? Acupuncture is a great way to speed the healing process that chiropractic adjustments initiate. Read on to find out why it happens this way.
How Chiropractic Therapy Works
There are a lot of theories surrounding chiropractic therapy, but it is based on the knowledge that the body is not just made of individual parts. The skeleton, muscles, and nervous system are also interconnected. While some patients who seek chiropractic care in clinics are looking for relief from back pain, chiropractors treat several other issues.
Most Jacksonville chiropractic and acupuncture clinics provide other treatments or strengthening regimens to align and restore your body's musculoskeletal system. Correct alignment allows for mobility and proper transmission of nerve pulses in the body.
How is Acupuncture Effective?
Acupuncture works through the flow of energy in the body's meridians. As this energy becomes stagnant, it may cause pain in certain areas of the body. With the application of thin needles along the body's meridians, an acupuncturist can channel energy and restore wellness in the body.
During an acupuncture treatment, patients may start feeling calm. It can also help to treat anything from allergies to chronic low back pain. If at first, you start feeling nervous about the use of needles, you may quickly relax once the tiny needles are used.
How Acupuncture Helps Chiropractic Healing
The two treatment procedures may be very different from each other, especially when it comes to origin and history, but they are both non-invasive and do not require the use of drugs. They can help promote whole-body healing while targeting a particular type of injury in the body.
The process of acupuncture promotes the release of energy and increases the flow of blood in the body. If a professional chiropractor in Jacksonville, FL gives you acupuncture before your chiropractic adjustment, your muscles may be more relaxed and less stiff. Due to the acupuncture process, chiropractic adjustments are easier to make and will last longer.
It also means that you can quickly get better and experience less pain and swelling during the healing process. On the other hand, if you are still experiencing excruciating pains in between chiropractic treatments, acupuncture is a great way to naturally reduce pain levels. It will help you feel better and have more energy in between different chiropractic adjustments.
Each of these treatments is very effective on its own, but a combination of both is even better. Be sure to consult a professional chiropractor before you decide to go for chiropractic and acupuncture therapy. A visit to good Jacksonville chiropractic and acupuncture clinics works too.
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